Can drinking wine count as a serving of fruit?

As we have clearly explained in our previous blogs, wine is made from the tastiest grapes. So you might be thinking: two bottles of wine? Is that the same as two pieces of fruit a day? We will take a closer look at that statement, and at the end we will give you a clear answer!

Grapes are healthy

Grapes, whether you pick them from the bush or buy them in the supermarket, are full of moisture and dietary fiber. Something your intestines really appreciate. They also contain vitamin C and minerals such as potassium. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is necessary for your connective tissue, the absorption of iron and better resistance. Potassium helps regulate the fluid balance in your body and has a blood pressure lowering effect in people with high blood pressure.

How many grapes can you eat?

You might think: two pieces of fruit a day, so two grapes? But unfortunately it is not that simple. If you want to get your daily amount of fruit, you have to eat a bit, because you have to eat about 40. A grape weighs only 5 grams, and for two pieces of fruit you have to eat 200 grams of grapes. So grab the biggest bunch you can find and get started!

Can you drink wine instead of eating grapes?

What is in a grape is also in wine. In short, no vitamins or minerals are lost during the process. In addition, the sugars in the grapes are converted into alcohol when you make wine, so there are also less sugars in it! But… the problem is that alcohol is not that healthy and has a negative effect at higher doses. So we do not recommend it.

How much wine should you drink for two servings of fruit?

If you do decide to take the plunge: as mentioned earlier, a grape weighs about 5 grams. Depending on the wine, there are often 1,100 grapes in a liter of wine, with a total weight of about 1.4 kilos. Let's say you get ten glasses of wine from a bottle, so each glass contains about 140 grams of grapes. That's more than one serving of fruit!

The great thing about this modern age is that there is also alcohol-free wine. So with two glasses of alcohol-free wine you have your daily amount of fruit.


So, yes, you can count wine as a serving of fruit, but be careful! Opt for the non-alcoholic varieties if you want to avoid the health risks. We hope you learned something and can now share a fun fact with your next glass of wine!


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